Course Syllabus

Syllabus for English 11 CP


Instructor: Elizabeth Kelly

Contact information:

- Email: 

- Google Number: (661) 379-7885 (calls and texts allowed during school hours).

- You may also use the "Inbox" feature to the left on Canvas to send me a message.

Office hours are available upon request. If you need help and want to schedule a Zoom conference, please email me to set an appointment. I have been provided a support period from 2:00pm to 3:30pm in which we can meet for additional support, however, this time is also used for staff and department meetings, so please be sure to email me prior to schedule a set time.


Welcome to my classroom! 

Course Description: English 11 is a two semester course that is required for high school graduation and to qualify for entrance in college. In this course, students will develop and demonstrate mastery of the Common Core California State Language Arts Standards for the 11th grade in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and written and oral conventions.

In English 11, students will continue their vocabulary development. They will learn to analyze and comprehend a variety of texts, including informational materials and historically or culturally important American and world literature. They will learn to research and properly cite. They will also further develop their writing and revision skills while demonstrating proper English usage and grammar. They will learn to write for a variety of purposes: narrative, expository, persuasive, and informational.



  1. Learn, participate, and be respectful.
  2. Allow others to learn by listening and speaking with respect.
  3. Follow school rules regarding technology; Chromebooks must be used with care.
  4. Cell phones will remain put away during virtual lessons, unless I permit use for a class activity.
  5. Absolutely no rude comments or negativity allowed in virtual class discussions.



  1. You are to virtually arrive on time for each class period. Role will be taken at the beginning of class. It is your responsibility to check that you’ve been marked present by the end of the period.
  2. Turn in assignments on time. All classwork and homework are turned in to the teacher at intervals to be announced in class. Late work will be accepted at a 10% decreased value for up to three days after deadline unless previously discussed and worked out with me.
  3. If you don’t have your homework, get it completed and ready for the next class.
  4. Tests are announced. If you are absent, make sure that you make them up.
  5. Academic dishonesty: Cheating is a serious offense. If a student cheats, parent and counselor contact will be necessary. Repeat offenses will have serious consequences.
  6. Please do not talk out of turn during Zoom lessons with the class.
  7. You are expected to actively participate in class and each discussion created. Absolutely no cyber-bullying or disrespectful comments will be accepted and will be handled with parents and counselor.
  8. Assignments will be posted on Mondays and will be due Saturday by midnight.
  9. You are expected to speak up or contact me if you have any questions or feel as if you are falling behind. It is your responsibility to communicate with me and to remain up to date on your course work.



  1. Electronic Device (Preferably a Chromebook or computer as cell phones do not load everything as well)
  2. Internet access
  3. Canvas Account



It is highly recommended that students have these materials:

  1. A planner to notate assignment due dates, classwork, and homework.
  2. A notebook to take notes with a pencil or pen (unless notes will be recorded on Word or a Doc)



Your grade is: 70% assessments, projects, and essays; 30% classwork and homework. 

  • Grades will be posted through the online grading system Synergy and Canvas.Students and parents should access Synergy regularly. Synergy and Canvas will also have important student resources. The semester final represents 20% of the semester grade.
  • Quarter grades are based on achieving the learning targets. These are demonstrated in a multitude of ways, including through class activities, common formative and summative assessments, essays, and projects. Grades are based on the student's total performance on the homework and classwork, essays, assessments, written projects and oral presentations. 
  • Common Formative Assessments may be retaken, but summative assessments (final tests) may not.

Students who feel they are struggling or have specific concerns regarding the class should communicate any issues as soon as they come up. I am willing and able to assist students with extra help during our daily virtual "Student Support hour" after lunch between 1:30 and 3:00pm.

*NOTE TO PARENTS: If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about your student’s progress, please email me, call my Google Number, or ask to schedule a Zoom conference.