Course Syllabus

Career Exploration Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. McDuff Email:

Terms: Fall/Spring 2021-2022


Course Description

Career Exploration is a semester-long college prep course that teaches students a decision-making process that will help them envision and plan for a future that is productive, achievable, and rewarding. The culmination of this process is the development of a 10-year career and educational plan that will create a pathway for a student to reach their career and academic goals as well as keyboarding 35 net words per minute. Critical thinking skills will be utilized through a systematic approach to career development by examining values, interests, skills, life roles, personality type, communication skills, personal self-management, decision-making and goal setting throughout a lifespan. The course includes essential lifestyle keyboarding, computer skills and applications.


Career Paths

Students will be using Career Choices: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults. This online work program is essential to completion of the course as it provides students with the templates and web materials instrumental in pursuing their ideal career journey in high school and beyond.



Students will utilize the program Typing Quest to learn and build their keyboarding skills. Typing Quest is available on school computers in the Career Tech labs and the library. The initial quarter of keyboarding is spent learning to strike keys correctly using home row technique without looking at the keyboard and ends with a performance keyboarding midterm that tests the student's knowledge of the keyboard; speed is not a factor in this test. The latter quarter teaches students to key 35 net words per minute accurately. 


Grading Policy
This course will be graded on the following scale:

100-90% A

89-80% B

79-70% C

69-60% D

59% or less F


Grading Scale: Course work will be evaluated as follows: 

Assignments 50%

Keyboarding Skill Builder 20%

Participation 10%

Final 20%


Late and Absent Work Policy:

Late work will receive an automatic 10% reduction in points. Late projects, checkups, and tests/exams will  receive a zero if not completed and turned in by the end of each semester grading period. 

  • Students should check Canvas to gather information on assignments, tests and project   due dates. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they understand all aspects of the assignments.
  • After an approved absence, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain all missed assignments. For absences more than three days, students and parents/legal guardians must contact the teacher to determine a reasonable due date for work missed during the absences.
  • Students are expected to turn in homework before leaving school for a school-sponsored event. Students are responsible for making up any assignments, tests and/or quizzes missed during school-sponsored events and must meet with their teacher to determine a date and time to complete checkups and tests.
  • An excused absence does not constitute a reason to turn in an essay or major assignment a day late. If a student is absent the day an essay/major assignment is due, he or she needs to be sure to turn the essay or major assignment into his or her teacher by the end of the school day.


Classroom Rules

Be on time and prepared 

No food or drinks (except water bottles/flasks)

Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat

Park your phone

Behavior Expectations

Be helpful

Be positive 

Be respectful 

Be responsible


Phone Policy

  1. Students are asked to put away their phone when entering the classroom. 
  2. If a student chooses not to and is found using their phone outside of FOMO breaks, the instructor will give a warning on first offense.
  3. On the second offense, the instructor will ask student to park their phone in McDuff’s Parking Garage by his desk. If a student refuses, then the referral process starts. Instructor calls security to come take the student’s phone to the dean's office and the parent/guardian will be notified. Student can pick up phone from the dean’s office at the end of the day.


There will be exceptions for students' emergencies if they inform the instructor ahead of time that they may need to use their phone.


Restroom Policy

  1. Students are expected to use the restroom before class or during nutrition break, lunch, and passing periods.
  2. However, students will be allowed up to three restroom escorts during each quarter.
  3. Exceptions for emergencies will be given on a case-by-case basis. 



Students may request academic or other accommodations for disabilities through our Student Services Office. Please contact your counselor for more information.

Course syllabus and schedule are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.